Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Spring Schedule 2013

TheBlank Canvas
127 West Kennewick Ave
Drawing Classes
I have been teaching drawing for over 10 years based on techniques used in “Drawing with the Right Side of the Brain.”

Learn how to explore the world around you by using lines, shapes, and value. By learning simple proven techniques you will learn how to put what you see down on paper. You will practice these techniques on landscapes, still life’s, and portraits

$50.00 per student
6 classes
$10.00 deposit fee


1:30-2:30 pm
6:00 pm-7:00 pm

Feb 5th,12th,19th,26th
March 5th & 12th

Strathmore Drawing Pad 11x14 (med. brown cover) 24 sheets of paper 80 lb
Gum eraser
2B drawing pencils
Hand held pencil sharpener

T & L Office & Art Supply on Kennewick Ave.

Contact for sign up 